It's called Translate Selection with Translate Tab. Note that for Translation Tab, you already have a service that can translate the selection, and don't need to create one yourself. Some options I mention in this and this answer, using web sites in both cases. It depends on the application (which you don't even mention). You need it to be AppleScriptable, or first e.g. It's not possible to pass selected text as arguments to a program launched e.g. zip archives from any file selection's context menu in Finder. Otherwise you need to workaround the program's limitations. If your archiver (which I won't buy to test this) automatically bundles them up, you're good. Using Run Shell Script, which receives input as arguments, it looks like this (using CleanArchiver as a substitute): open -a CleanArchiver also depends on your application what they do when they receive files as input. However it is available in unofficial releases for most other OS platforms (Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, DOS, Amiga, etc. The Launch Application action does not accept file arguments in my testing.
from a Run Shell Script or Run AppleScript action. Don't drag them onto Automator, but launch them e.g. When you drag an application to Automator, you're creating a Get Specified Finder Items action.